『Gifts for Wife, Wife Birthday Gift Ideas, Wedding Anniversary Valentine’s D 期間限定特売』はヤフオクでから01月01日 16時 21分に出品され01月27日 16時 21分に終了予定です。即決価格は18,190円に設定されています。現在948件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。佐賀県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | Gifts for Wife, Wife Birthday Gift Ideas, Wedding Anniversary Valentine’s Day Gifts for Women from Husband, Best Unique Jewelry Presents Sterling Silver Moissanite Diamond Solitaire Necklace 2 Ct |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | ? Fierier and more brilliant than a diamond: This necklace features a dazzling 2 carat moissanite diamond with a D color rating - the highest grade, making it a brilliant and fiery alternative to a traditional diamond. Unlike other gems such as white sapphire and cubic zirconia, Moissanite is nearly as hard as a diamond and more sparkly, making it virtually indistinguishable to the naked eye. This necklace is sure to impress your wife and be a stunning addition to any outfit. ? Timeless and classic design: The 4 prong basket holding the moissanite at the front, with a heart-shaped design at the back, is a symbol of your eternal love and devotion. The 4 prongs represent the 4 cardinal directions, showing that your heart is always with her, no matter where she is. This elegant design is perfect for any occasion and will complement any outfit, making it the ideal gift for your wifes birthday, anniversary, Valentines Day, Christmas, or simply to show your love. ? Unique authenticity code: This necklace has a unique code issued by a Certified Gem Testing Lab, ensuring the quality and authenticity of the Moissanite gemstone. The exclusive code making it a unique identifier for the necklace. When she wears it and sparkles with happiness, she will be reminded of the unbreakable bond you share, and the deep love you have for her. ? Heartfelt message on a gift card: This necklace comes with a gift card that expresses your deepest feelings and the love you have for your wife. When she reads the message, she will be overwhelmed with emotion and feel truly loved and appreciated. This heartfelt gesture will make the necklace an even more special and meaningful gift for wife. An extra blank card is included, so you can write anything & address the gift to anyone . ? Convenient gift wrapping included: The package includes a gift bag, wrapping paper, ribbon, double-sided tape, tissue paper, a gift card with a sentimental message, and a glittery card envelope. Everything you need to wrap the gift is included, or you can simply give the necklace in its fancy gift box. This convenient touch makes giving this beautiful necklace even more special. |
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