『WE Games Traditional Staunton Wood Chess Set with Distressed Wooden Board 特選/公式』はヤフオクでから12月15日 09時 14分に出品され01月10日 09時 14分に終了予定です。即決価格は14,711円に設定されています。現在419件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。香川県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | WE Games Traditional Staunton Wood Chess Set with Distressed Wooden Board 14.75 inch Board with 3.75 inch King |
ブランド名 | Wood Expressions |
商品コメント | BEAUTY + FUNCTIONALITY This traditional Staunton chess set combines beauty with functionality. 32 chess pieces are included in natural and brownstained solid wood. Each piece is handpolished and the knights feature handcarved details making each set unique. The chessmen are weighted to give them extra stability on the board. Brown billiard felt on bottom protects the board surface from scratches. Two drawstring cloth bags are included for storing the pieces. QUALITY BOARD The walnut and maple wood veneer board with a walnut border is a classic and is designed to withstand years of play. Intentional distressing to the surface gives the board an antique feel. This traditional chess board measures 14.7 x 14.7 x .25 inches with 1.5 inch squares. While the board is spacious enough to play a game of chess without feeling crowded it is small enough to fit on a small table at a coffee shop or to enjoy a game on a park bench. STAUNTON STYLE Staunton design has become the standard for tournament play. The pieces are easily distinguishable making for easier game play. Knights are made to resemble a horse. Kings are the tallest pieces featuring a cross atop a closed crown. Queens are slightly smaller than the kings and feature a coronet topped with a small ball. Rooks feature castle battlements and bishops resemble a liturgical headdress of a western church. Pawns are the smallest and are topped by a plain ball. GOOD FOR YOU The benefits of chess are enormous. Children who partake in chess boost their critical thinking problem solving spatial awareness and socialization skills making it a great addition to any classroom or household. WE GAMES Making the world’s best traditional games since 1977. Our games are crafted with high quality sustainable materials with attention to fine details. We love bringing people together with our classic board games and we know the joy of the game will be passed down to the next generation. WE Games donates time and resources to the Toy Foundation to help children in need who are facing many of life’s most difficult challenges. |
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