"Attention Future Millionaires! The Simplest And Easiest Way For You To Change Your Financial Future Is Here!"

If you want to know How your next 5 years will be like financially, just look back at your previous 5 years, unless you use the Secret Millionaire Blueprint Formula for just 7 Days!!! This formula is so powerful – it will change your financial future!!

Dear Future Millionaires,

Do you struggle in life especially when it comes to finance?

Does it drive you crazy that you keep looking for ways to become rich but inevitably fail?

Have you ever dreamed of becoming successful, achieving financial freedom & living life on your own terms?

If so…

Then I hope you read every word of this letter because the secret contained inside could change your life forever.

Hi, My name is Arfeen Khan & in the last 25+ years I have helped transform lives of over 600,000 people in 49 countries. I have worked with an extensive range of people including CEOs, students, bollywood celebrities and industrialists. And I have spoken to over 150 corporations, including global Fortune 500 companies.

Unfortunately life wasn’t always this cool…

“How I went from terrified 19-years-old to Becoming a Millionaire in less than 5 years”

My life changed when, at the age of 19-years-old My father asked me this question ” Where Will You be in Five-Years' Time?. Terrified that I didn’t have a response, I still remember that at that precise moment, something profound happened that made me wake up and begin to take responsibility for my life.

My commitment in life has to be that I am going to become a serious student, someone who is going to acquire knowledge forever in order for me to gain financial mastery.

True to my word, I dedicated my life to continuous education and I attribute much of my success to constantly learning and growing, which I believe gave me knowledge, confidence and opportunities.

Over the course of five years, through hard work and smart investments, I became a millionaire, lost it all, worked a string of odd jobs including car washer, restaurant server and newspaper deliveryman, and finally gained it all back, plus some. I attribute this triumphant rebound to having a strong foundation of skills, reading books and attending seminars and never losing sight of my long-term financial goals.

“Here’s Exactly What I Did To Becoming a Millionaire in less than 5 years”

During my journey to regain wealth, I realized i needed to do something meaningful with my resources. Transforming from student to teacher, I created The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar - 2.0 as a means to instill the best tools and strategies for success to people all around the world.

Most people struggle in life, especially when it comes to money and finances. They keep looking for ways to become rich but inevitably fail.

What people fail to realize is that everyone is equipped with unique monetary blueprint which is responsible for financial success or failure. It is this blueprint that causes some people like Bill Gates, Vijay Mallya, Richard Branson and L.N.Mittal to always be rich and successful.

Through this Seminar, you will learn their secrets why such people get richer by the second and why others fail to be financially free. This Seminar is a singular and powerful tool to help you understand and reprogram your own financial blueprint in such a way that you will create wealth beyond your imagination!!

So ask yourself this question, “Where will you be in five-years' time?” If you don’t know, don’t like the answer or if you have big dreams and want to find a way to make them a reality, you must Register for The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar – 2.0 happening on 1st/2nd December In Delhi.

“Two Powerful Reasons You Should Believe What I Say”

Reason one:

For almost 25+ years, I have helped over 600,000 people in over 49 countries create personal & professional transformation. It's my mission to provide tools and strategies that everyone needs to transcend beyond their limiting fears and beliefs, accomplish their goals and realize their true desires.

I have worked with an extensive range of people including CEOs, students, bollywood celebrities and industrialists. All people intrinsically the same, but what sets them apart and determines their future is the reach of their thoughts and ambition. I have spoken to over 150corporations, including global Fortune 500 companies

Reason two:

I have results-based testimonials from people attending my seminar and my private clients. These are real results that real people have gotten from using my strategies and techniques. You'll hear from some of my clients in just a minute. (By the way these are NOT made up. Every single one of them and dozens more are at my office.)

Now, you absolutely don't need me to help you change your financial future. You can try to do every­ thing yourself ...try to create your own systems... learn by trial and error. You can spend thousands of rupees on different seminars and waste a lot of time and energy trying to separate the wheat from the chaff,


You can use Proven step by step system designed specifically for people who want to change their financial future. And it is 100% guaranteed and has already been proven to be wildly effective. It's easy. It's professional. It works!

"Warning: Do NOT invest in Any Seminar or Training program unless it Meets The Following 2 Criteria..."


Do they have actual experience in the field? Don’t accept a pretender or want to be — make sure to confirm that the person you’re trusting has real-life experience.


Do they have an outcome, result-based testimonials? Super important. Be wary of people using fluff testimonials like, “It’s really great...a must have.” Anyone can get those. You want to see hardcore, no B.S. testimonials like the ones you just read.

"Get The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar – 2.0 Along With 4 Major Bonuses Worth Rs. 45,300 For 90% Off The Regular Price!"

The Regular price for The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar-2.0 is Rs.25,000

But I have big savings for you!

To make it accessible to everyone you can NOW get it for only Rs.4,000

So what's my hidden motive? Why am I practically giving this away

Well, it's NOT because it's designed to sell you a more expensive add-on. You get everything you need with this without having to buy anything else. (I hate scams like that.)

And, once you know The Secret Psychology Of Wealth, Develop A Millionaire Mind set And Change Your Financial future, you'll want to continue to do business with me. But again, you do not have to buy anything else. Plus, I still make a nice profit. It's really a win-win situation.

The reason I want you to give The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar- 2.0 a try is because I want you to stop having to worry about your finances and spending your hard-earned cash on seminars that just don't work!! Isn't that a good enough reason alone to Book your seat for The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar- 2.0 right now?

Plus If you buy today, I'll throw in the following bonuses for FREE so you will have all you need to start changing your life now.

Bonus 1 :

The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar - VIP Ticket (Two-Day Advanced Program) Worth Rs.25,000

  • Discover the Framework of life that all the successful people use to achieve what they want in life.
  • Master the powerful skills of rapport and influence to maximize your effectiveness as a parent, partner, business person, and leader.
  • Discover the money management system that the rich and successful people use
  • The 7 steps formula to achieve anything in your life.
  • Powerfully experience where you are now in your life, envision exactly where you want to be, and learn how to close the gap between the two.
  • Discover yourself as to what you do and why you do it

Bonus 2 :

Life's Purpose (3 DVDs) Worth Rs.4,500

  • Breakthroughs only happen to those who take action. Now is the time to take life to a new level. Say yes to your risk-free opportunity today! Let the journey begin!
  • In this program you will learn the secrets for producing immediate results in the areas that matter most to you whether it be your body, relationships or finances. Start your journey now to create the specific results you desire and deserve in your life. Ultimately, this will affect the level of excitement, joy, happiness, and fulfillment you have in your life.

Bonus 3 :

Wealth Mastery & Relationship Mastery (Online Access) Worth Rs.15,000

  • Wealth Mastery Worth Rs.7,500
  • What if money was no longer a limitation but a powerful tool you could use to create sustainable wealth? Imagine knowing you could maintain your current standard of living—and create even more abundance in your life.

  • Relationship Mastery Worth Rs.7,500:
  • What if you could ignite more love, joy and excitement in your relationship starting right now? What if you could reclaim the passion that you and your partner both deserve?

No,Thanks.I don't want to become a VIP

"Why am I offering you this opportunity to try my The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar – 2.0 at absolutely no risk?"

It’s really quite simple. First, I KNOW it works because everything has worked amazingly well for me. But, I also realize you’re probably skeptical so I wanted to remove any risk or doubt you might have — you can get the same incredible results as other attendees. Second, I trust you to be fair and not take advantage of me or my offer.

Don’t decide now if this is for you. Just get it and try it out. Prove to yourself that this is all I say it is. Put it to the test and then decide whether it is as killer as I say it is or if you want your money back. You have nothing to lose, everything to gain and less than zero risk.

Look at it this way- Rs.25,000, Rs.4,000 is just a painless drop in the bucket compared to being frustrated over your finances or your life!

"Only First 100 People Will Ever Get The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar at This Low Price…PERIOD!”

I hope it'll be an easy decision for you to make, because at just Rs.25,000, Rs.4,000! The Experience you get will easily give you thousands of times return value on your meager investment.

"Here Is How To Book Your Seat For The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar-2.0”

Click on the Button and book your seat immediately (This is the fastest way!)

"I see you having two choices here.."

You can either choose to do nothing, in which case you will miss out on what will easily be one of the best training programs you will ever have the chance to join ... especially at this price. And you can simply continue doing whatever it is you are currently doing to get more money, more freedom, and more peace ... how is that working out for you?


you can choose to take advantage of this insanely generous offer before it ends and...I will hook you up with everything I talked about here plus so much more that you won't be sorry for joining- I guarantee that.

You get all of it and more for as little as Rs.4,000 today

You better hurry and grab your seat right now, while you still can because only 100 seats left!

I assure you an incredible weekend and a life-changing experience, vouched for by thousands of people who have attended the seminars. Now it is up to you to decide. I wish you luck!

See you soon,

Arfeen Khan

"What people have to say about me and my Books"

“Arfeen Khan is a person of spirit, insight, leadership & talent who comes along to lead a generation of people to a new, fresh and wholly inviting place for understanding & love”

-Anthony Robbins (World-Recognized Authority on the Psychology of Leadership and Peak Performance)

"Arfeen, your beliefs and ideas make it all the more revealing!"

-Amitabh Bachchan (Actor & Superstar)

"A book that has taken everybody's secret illusive dream and actually created a logical, almost scientific path to turn ambition into reality! Arffen Khan is a friend, philosopher and guide whose easy conversational style leads you in the right direction, rekindling aspirations and, step by step, paving the surefire way to conquer them"

-Bhaskar Das (Executive President, The Times Of India Group)

"Often you meet skeptics who say this "Transform Yourself" book merely intellectualizes. But not this one. I'm sure this book alone will not solve your problems but it will give you a powerful inspiration, a structured stimulus to begin that journey. Pardon this use of a cliche.. Well begun is indeed half done! (You Can You Will, It's Your Choice)!"

-Raghav Behl (Managing Editor & Managing Director, TV 18(India) LTD.)

"Arfeen can and will change your life!"

-Hrithik Roshan (Actor & Superstar)

"Only 100 seats Available, Book Your Seat Now"